Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Update: Arsenic?

Latest hair test shows high arsenic. I'm excreting it more, OR I'm being exposed to it more? Need to find out if it's from rice.

I can take selenium to chelate it:

Also Low potassium, low rubidium, iron, manganese, etc.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dec 21 brownie yesterday, vit c

Vit c try today
Dz has teeth pain, start cure tooth decay diet 
Sardine veggie squash cheese pickle 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dec 20 red dot poop

Headache gone. It was pills. 
Ate some sulfur today spinach choco zinc 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dec 14 Headache bloated foot cramp ?

Potassium n iron pill

1-2pm potassium 
Snack grapes
5pm bloated 
Tested urine alkaline 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Dec 1 cheese

Huge headache since last night

Astralagus water

Qigong brocade usual 


Big tortilla cheese olives 
Vit E 

Apple buy

2pm congee 
Multi vitamin 
Some carrots 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nov 30 yam

Chapati butter honey 
Yam fries (allergic test)

No pills 

11.40am Milk thistle tea 


1 slice pizza homemade 


No lunch dinner bloated

Nov 29 stool

Took big pills yesterday and felt one stuck mid way down stomach, so I ate something and it passed. Later that night I felt sore pain in that area. Is this normal or something else ?
Had chocolate 

Had stool small yesterday 

Vit d
Chapati bread with veggie juice 
10.22am mom left farmers market 

11am Stool normal 

Veggie sandwich 

Dinner chapati veggie 

Headache was better 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Nov 27

No stool yesterday
Yoga stretch for stool
Stomach better 

Breakfast congee at 11am
Fatigue head

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nov 26 fasting, no stool, right pain

Right side pain and left

No apetite 

Juice at noon orange banana carrot celery parsley 


Bloated (is it sibo again ? No Banaba next time) 

Milk thistle 
4pm turkey congee 1 cup 
Vitamin multi 

6pm congee turkey again
6-40pm piece of naan 
Fennel seeds 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Nov 25 headache low sulfur day


Qigong open n close 
Oatmeal almond butter mint half apple 
Veggie hot 
Bloated couldn't  finish 

Milk thistle tea 

Lunch chips 
Turkey rice sticky no veggie 

Mint tea 

2pm zinc 

4pm vitamin C rose hips 
Chips turkey rice 

5pm pain right side (liver?) 

Need vitamin E too 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nov 24

Yesterday coko pie 
Headache night fixing internet 

Morning open close qigong 



Saturday, November 22, 2014

Nov 22

No vitamins 
Sticky rice grandma and cucumber veggie  yogurt 

Pizza lunch 

Headache tired 

5pm stool again 3 small 

Nov 21 very tired muscles

Yoga stretches for constipation

Still cramps 

Had stool after breakfast 

Herbs from Rebeccah 


Took bath with herbs cranberry green tea 

Bill healing at 3.30 was tired whole body muscles 

Small Pizza gluten at night 

Bit shaking after reading 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Exhausted today new moon

More Yang and Active

We could make the cycles more extreme by concentrating our most yang actions in the morning and middle of the day when nature is in her more yang, active phase, and more calming, meditative experiences later in the afternoon or evening when nature is naturally calming and becoming more yin.

Further we could use the lunar cycle so we time some of our most yang activities coming up to the full moon. We would then focus on more introspective, contemplative, yin experiences around the new moon.

Greater Yin, Stillness and Healing

If we wanted to create great stillness and perhaps enjoy a time of greater healing, we might slow the pendulum down by being more moderate in the way we live and in terms of yin and yang. Here we might even look to balance ourselves out with the natural cycles of nature by having a light refreshing lunch followed by a nap, and then a more yang meal later in the day when nature is becoming more yin.

Similarly, we could be especially yin, calm and quiet over the full moon to compensate for the more yang atmosphere.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nov 20 stool !

Yesterday shaking headache at night 
Sulfur ? Had gluten bread 

Morning not hungry 

Manganese drops 
Milk thistle 
Yoga tummy 

9am stool 

Took walk 


3pm healing session 

Lunch kidney beans flatbread 
Foot cramp 

Dinner sardines flatbread 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mov 19 day 4 no stool

Need to balance meals to have stool

Day 4 no stool 

More water, mag

Almond milk
Chia seeds cocoa
Olives cheese grapes basil 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bloated and pain again - die off reaction or something else?

Can't eat lunch today, bloated. What's the cause?

Die off reactions from herbal antibiotics?
Few pieces of potatoes last night?

Monolaurin works well, I think the issue with tolerance to herbal antimicrobials is the “die-off” or Herxheimer reactions. I have seen practitioners manage this with things like activated charcoal, proteolytic enzymes, reduced glutathione, testing for MTHFR mutations, general liver/biliary support

Milk thistle plus licorice (capsules), psyllium, plenty of water, concentrated lemon juice plus finely sliced fresh garlic, “Detox Tea” (dandelion, etc.), and anything else that helps the liver may improve die-off symptoms.

 Steven Wright November 3, 2013 at 10:57 pm
Hey Julie – Sometimes it’s a good idea to back off. Also try and support your liver as it’s working very hard right now.

Nov 18 no stool day 3

Fennel tea 
Qi gong 
Breakfast turmeric coconut milk olives 
1 Cracker avocado 

No stool maybe causes by frequent meals ?

No other pills today 

12pm bloated pain right 


No lunch 

Tired headache 
Eat at 4pm bigger meal congee rice turkey veggie 
Tiny Cheese olive 

Feel more energy 
Not so bloated 

Zinc losange (mom sneezed). 

Constipation from frequent meals

Monday, November 17, 2014

Nov 17, no stool yesterday n today

Last night learned bioenergy healing

Turkey veggie soup 
Vit d multi 

Headache tired before lunch 

11.45 lunch 

Milk thistle 

2pm eat same,  squash too much 
Bit bloated 

Dz stress 

Fennel seeds tea 

6pm same 
Potato cheese 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Nov 16 right side pain

Fatigue muscle weak. 

Pain on right side lately reoccurring. Liver? Pancreas? Gallbladder ? It began when I had more fat carb foods weeks ago? 

Milk thistle 

Breakfast sardines mustard veggies, 1 cup. 

Potasium, multi 

12-1pm lunch 1/2 cup sticky rice.
1/2 cup turkey and veggies 

1.20pm milk thistle

3pm vit d
1/2 cup rice 

4pm bloated stomach pain 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Feel bloated. I may have SIBO again like last year

Notice these 2 posts. It's almost the same repetition of the same problem in November last year!

And this:

Mistakes and lessons learned:

-I need a family doctor, I don't have anyone to track and measure this. It's very frustrating. 
-I had more carbs this year. It takes 1 and 1/2 year to solve SIBO with diet... I wasn't patient enough by reintroducing more carbs to gain weight (I'm underweight) since I was rarely bloated, I thought the problem wouldn't reoccur. I should have done prevention by adopting a low-moderate carb diet, and pay more attention. This is a frustrating balance. "Failure to use a low-carb preventative diet following treatment. Diet along with prokinetics are needed to prevent relapse of this commonly recurring condition."  
Low-carbohydrate diets are weight-loss diets. Particular attention must be paid to those who are low weight or underweight. If a low-carb SIBO diet is causing too much weight loss, this dietary strategy will need to be altered to allow for more carbohydrates. In these circumstances, one or more of the other three treatment options should be considered along with white rice, glucose, and other carbohydrate sources.
-Didn't take probiotic foods long enough after resolving bloating.

Action steps:
-Find dietitian, ask Rebecca, find dietitian. ASAP. 

-Juice most of my meals tomorrow and at night?
 " Elemental Diet An elemental diet can be used in place of antibiotics or herbal antibiotics to rapidly decrease bacteria. Elemental diets are powdered predigested nutrients that are mixed with water and used in hospitals for various gastrointestinal disorders to give digestion a rest. The concept behind this treatment for SIBO is that the nutrients will be absorbed before having a chance to feed the bacteria, thus feeding the person but starving the bacteria. It is used in place of all meals, for 2 to 3 weeks, and has a success rate of 
80% to 85%.48" 
-Make a list of herbal antibiotics I can tolerate:  (ginger, peppermint, maybe oregano.) No cinnamon.

Herbal Antibiotics
While there has only been one published report of herbal antibiotics in the treatment of SIBO, our experience is that they have similar effectiveness to antibiotics.56 We have used the following botanicals: Allium sativum, Hydrastis canadensis, and other berberine-containing herbs, Origanum vulgare, cinnamon, and Azadirachta indica. We have used these as both single agents and in various combinations at dosages that are at the upper end of label suggestions × 30 days. Specific single dosages we have used include allicin extract of garlic: 450 mg b.i.d.–t.i.d., goldenseal/berberine: 5g q.d. in split dosage, emulsified oregano: 100 mg b.i.d., and neem: 300 mg t.i.d. Our breath testing has validated the need for the longer treatment period of 30 days for herbal antibiotics compared with 14 days for antibiotics. We have also observed with this method prolonged die-off reactions, which can last for the duration of treatment course. Studies on herbal antibiotics for SIBO are needed, particularly to identify botanicals effective in reducing methane.

-Make a list of herbal antibiotics that reduce methane?

-Make a list of foods I currently eat. 

Acorn Squash
(Tapioca, white Rice = this will be removed, too stratchy/carbs)

Check if I can eat: fennel, plantain, rhubarb. 


Olive oil

-Check this list of foods I can eat on a low FP diet (Low fermentable potential). 
-Put them in the food software dietitian to make sure I'm eating enough calories per day. 
-Find a carb I can tolerate (sticky rice? jasmine rice? only small 1 cup, like congee/cooked.) 

-Make a list of supplements (I'll def need potassium/iron) and herbs (bitters like ginger/peppermint) I'll need. See this:

-Follow up with allergy test. Am I allergic to carrots?

Nov 15, milk thistle tincture, bloated, stool

Breakfast turkey sandwich but 2 flatbread not 4 

Milk thistle 

Can't eat lunch , bloated. 
Drank juice of the lunch

Took mag, iron, potassium pill 

Looking into sibo 

Juicing again at 4pm 

Milk thistle 

Juice and turkey 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Nov 14, itchy morning/last night, tired morning, bloated

had chicken/potatoes green tea yesterday

Hang upside down, learned Chinese sleep position south west is best and avoid north 

today almond milk homemade. rice.
salad (black pepper more)
Coconut milk 1-2 tbs 
Usual Veggie except carrots a bit

Bloated after breakfast can't finish lunch 
Butter oil fish oil 

Ate small diner at 4pm 

Bloated at night 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nov 13, itchy (pecan?) stool, green tea, vit d, chicken potato

Vit d today 1k 
Rice pudding 

Stool small 

Green tea for manganese 

Acorn squash morning 
Chicken potatoe chips 

Nov 12, no stool, turkey pecan

Ordered manganese and pills 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nov 11 GABA spray fish oil all low sulfur meals

Less headache morning 
Headache after reading

Acorn soup turkey rice whole day

Monday, November 10, 2014

Nov 10 start low sulfur

Naan sardine lettuce spinach olive cheese few slices of apple

Tired 5 better   Stomach 4

Turkey lettuce carrot olive chip

Stomach 6

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Nov 7 - stomach pain

Food - turkey congee
Parsley, romaine lettuce, boy choi

Nov 9 tired

Feeling ok

Food - 2 waffle, fig, grape, butter, butternut soup, curry, cumin,


kidney bean, rice, asparagus, green cabbage, celery, iceberg lettuce

Iron, potassium 

Chicken corn 
High stomach pain 8
Better peppermint tea massage

High sulfur cause? From when I used to eat carrots daily then stopped meat maybe low iron,headache lack sleep, dehydration, too much water low potassium then high sulfur foods variety cause headaches ? 

Nov 8 good day, no stomach pain, feeling good after potatoe

Food - egg, chicken, coconut milk, white nugget, chip, chocolate
Feeling good after potatoe

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nov 6 toe bleed right side pain, Indian food

Bleed after shower 
Pain right side (fat/sugar ?) 
Lots of cookies 2 days ago the other day (diabetes toe bleed?) 
Avocado today 

Mom came at night perfume 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nov 2

Iron po 

Chicken rice moulawa 
No butter cookies 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nov 1

Headache today bloated evening 
Coconut ice cream ?

Yesterday sent long email - cause headache ? Oily food cracker 

Chips n chocolate past 2-3 days 
Cookies today 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6

Moved Brockton 
Started grounding yesterday barefoot 20-30mins
117lbs ave
Met friend Aussie 2 days ago
Headache when watching documentary grounding 
Reduced yogurt 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29 still headache

117lbs morning and 115.8lbs after pee and stool 

Still headache 

Soft stool after kimchi pickle yogurt  last night 
Had big vegan pizza daiya brand 
Caregiver Elsa yesterday 
Saw rainbow 

Drank coconut water for phosphorus potassium 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March. 25 libido high qigong?

Beets made me bloated and headache ?

Felt grounded and more balanced in shower and more libido in morning. Woke up early
Yesterday hours outside doing qigong and yoga chakra rooted exercise. Had pizza from resto and more jam, dry skin and acne, thirsty too much sugar and salt ?
Saw h mercury friend Sunday and her friend realized need probiotics to heal fit and allergies 

Did marketing 

Still some headaches from reading too much but better today 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23 huge headache since yesterday

Reading too much at night
High sulfur foods 
Slept late 2 nights ago 
Low pot phosphorus ?
Canola oil Chinese foods and balls yesterday and past few days ?

Yoga stretch morning
Shoulder hands sore

Vit c e 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22 yoga stretch last night

Awaken big stool soft (yoga ?)
Headache slept late last night and forgotten dream. 

Ate more veggies dr Wilson - 1 cup cabbage spinach carrots celery 

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21 small stool ball

Chinese food yesterday 
Late stool last night only half 
Had eggs sulfur foods quinoa bread 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19 headache morning

Slept late burlin no meet at 8pm 
email late

Had weird dream 
Headache morning 

Stool bit longer still food bits
Foamy urine 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18 stool balls half

Yesterday Indian food 
A bit bloated last night 

Stool half blobs 
Bit set skin 

Stool again indigestion bits food but one long piece

10.36am feeling tired weak short breath 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Mar 14 discharge ER no stools

Fasted all morning until 1pm
Talked to GI and doctor 
Don't know why low potassium and minerals - contradictions whether gist related or not

Ate home food sardine sticky rice beets lettuce olive oil

Felt bloated 

Ate cafeteria food chicken fries done pasta ketchup mustard.

We suspect home food isn't working - 

No stool since 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mar 11 no ghee or cod

Stool morning yellow soft almost bacterial fermentation smell 

Foamy urine morning 
Didn't drink much past night cuz bloated 

Headache morning bit 

Ginger and water 

8.57am email 
Short breath (low iron?)
Some stomach pain 

928am usual 
Olive oil 1ts half cup rice
1 cup beets squash instead of 2 

Feel bloated 
Vit c e

9.50 stomach pain couldn't finish meal 

12pm lunch 
Leftover squash beets rice 
Iron pill 1/4 
Olive oil ??

Still headache woozy 
Stomach pain left side 

Dz also feel woozy period 

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10 less headache, very bloated, late stool

Crystal red color last night 
Slept myself
Woke up less headache

Ate ghee today 

10.35am Nosebleed smell blood
Forgot pills took c and e

No stool

No ghee for lunch 
Took cod 

Felt bloated 
Went outside gigong sunny

3pm nap bloated ginger 

Met Sam 

Super bloated after dinner
Olive oil rice 
Bit ginger 

8pm small stool 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mar 9 headache morning

Less foamy urine 
Headache when awake - dz slept with me - iron cause? Cumin??
Last night discover chakra root causes 
Had cumin and sardines yesterday 

Daylight saving 

No tea morning 

No egcg today 

Cod liver
Olive oil

10.30 stool 

Stay outdoors deck nap

5pm Had ghee and extra rice cumin dinner
Felt hungry 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mar 8 no itchy but bloated breathing

8am stool yellow 
Woke up short breath bit bloated 
Morning still foamy urine

Is it chamomile tea?? Soup? Ghee? 

No soup or ghee today

10.13am eat no ghee
Egcg vit c e
Olive oil 
Felt dizzy tired breathless 
Couldn't finish meal 
Checked blood test its low hemaglobin 

Results : I learned I'm doing many things that reduce iron absorbtion - chamomile tea, possibly mint tea, EGCG supplement, stopped cumin/spices. 

Took iron supp
Sardines lunch 

Discover chakra 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mar 7 itchy sleepless

Didn't sleep well itchy 
Chest pain left 

Had juice and nuts ? Allergy

This morning 
Vit c egcg 
Less turkey 
Sticky white rice

Stool yellow 

11am stomach pain breathing difficult

Had ghee sticky rice 

Caregiver after lunch 

Very bloated after dinner - is it ghee??

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mar 4 stress email mom eye surgery

Dz stress that mom is staying hostel. She feels she won't get help. I asked my parents for help. Now she said she had eye surgery today.?Did I not learn my lesson? No email. I can't handle all this stress.

No stool yesterday? Nor this morning.

Cod liver oil 

Rest sleep 

Stool at 2pm

Eat lots sticky rice ghee 

3-4pm quinoa bread
Ghee olive oil
Coconut water 

5pm mustard 

8pm bloated short breath 

Pause the ghee tmrw 

Mar 3 stress last night

Lots of stress at dinner from dz she was worried about mon and angry at parents abandon, I got stressed suic short breath chest pains hyperventilating took hours to rest and slept unwell

Has brown rice with lots ghee yesterday 

No itchy night 
Woke 7-8am ok

Urine less foamy 
Took shower past 2 days

9am eat usual 
No cod lately
Left over last night meal long rice mustard 
Celery no lettuce 
Ghee brown rice 2 cups 

Vit c e 

Nose bleed morning - from stress ? Low iron? Brown rice causing ? Mustard???
Too much ghee?

12.40 pm woozy head fog 

No stool today but big one yesterday 

1-2pm usual 
No cod 
Extra sticky rice ghee 

Mar 5 itchy, had quinoa yesterday

I felt itchy - quinoa bread or coconut water or too much mustard ? 

No bleeding 

Butter quinoa this morning bite

We learn about juice fast low protein for kidney and liver. Less turkey today 

Usual less turkey 
Long grain rice
Lettuce and carrots
Vit c e egcg 

Eyes sensitive 


Still foamy urine

1pm usual but less turkey 

Half Apple 3pm

Talked p n d for hour ginger tea 

Usual dinner less turkey 

7pm stool 

Masage stomach kidney
Breathing difficulty and bloating at night
Eat ginger

Mar 6 bloated last night

Bloated morning breathing

Long grain rice??

Stool long a bit red

Blood draw 
Headache dizzy 

Sticky rice ghee less turkey 
No vit e
Bit of juice and nuts 

Udusal less turkey 
Sticky rice 
No cod 
Extra sticky ghee 

Bloated, drink lots ginger not enough water? 

5pm stool yellow Some pain

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mar 2 itchy ejac

Last night ejac sleep late 
Itchy night 
Had black pepper yesterday ?

9am wake 

Usual meal
Long grain rice
Vit c e 

Ejac again 

2pm Usual but fried 
Lots of ghee 

Plan write 
Tiny bit stomach discomfort and slight dizzy 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st, fish! Vacation house vit E

Headache last night huge from thinking

Slept late 10pm?

No itchy 
Woke 6-7am 

No stool 

Urine still foamy but less overall

More rice and ghee today 
Brown rice 
Split food

Vit c egcg 
New - vit E

Jacuzzi hot tub 15min

Late lunch usual 

Giving walk 15 mins

Mackarel fish dinner 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Feb 28 extra rice ghee

Bit itchy 
Slept early and woke 7am pee
Rub stomach massage last night
Gigong morning brocade 
Adjust posture 

8am soup 
Headache tired 

Past few days acne - white rice? Fruits?

9am half cup turkey 
1 ts ghee in rice 

Vit c egcg 

9.47am Stool

1pm half cup turkey 
1 tbs olive oil 
2 ts ghee 
1.5 cup rice 

5pm same as lunch
Extra rice ghee 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Feb 27 less itchy but sleepless back pain

 We removed cucumbers 3 days ago.

Less itchy
Stress dz night slept late
Woke pee ipod email hard to return sleep  

9am wake 
10am usual 
Sticky rice
No ghee no frankinscence 
Vit c d egcg

10.42am Stool soft med dark red beets

Dizzy from sleepless

12-1pm usual carrot celery 
Olive oil 1ts 

Back pain all day (olive oil??)

Gigong 7min 

5-6pm usual 

7pm rest drink 
Stomach bloated 
Breathing shallow

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feb 26 itchy night and day, almond milk apple ghee

Very itchy night (new long grain rice? Cumin? Frankinscence? Unknown ...)

Headache stomach bit better

Almond milk for vit e
Sticky rice
Half apple

Vit c d egcg

10am stool darkish smaller

Breathing difficult 
Some stomach pain

1pm usual 

4pm super itchy!! What's causing it?? Something in food??

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb 25 huge headache since last night

No cucumber today cuz nightshade ?

Last night read iPod 8pm huge headache
Woke up pee
Headache at night

Stool soft darkish

9:45am Breakfast
One cup turkey soup and rice
Turkey carrot celery beet(11/3) cup acorn squash(11/2) cup parsley
1 vit c and EGCg

No ghee today
Iron cause headache? White rice? High GI?

Blood sugar 5,4
Breathing shallow
Eat usual except long grain rice 

Rest nap
3.47pm gigong 7 min 

Headache still 

Headache after soup ginger ?
5pm eat same 
Long grain rice 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Feb 24 iron, 2 stools

Went ER last night low iron 
Slept late 10pm took shower 
Trouble breathing a bit

10am finish eat
White rice 
No ghee

Vit c d 

Stool med brownish 

1pm eat
White rice 
Iron pill

Red stool from beets 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feb 23, ER, breathing, low iron, ghee, no carrot

Slept thru night no itchy
Woke 7.30am felt ok

iPod emails 
Drink soup 
8-9am headache breathing still shallow
Some stomach pain 

9.30am no carrot 
Cucumber lettuce 
White rice 
Ghee 1/2 ts

10.28am stool soft almost diarrhea smelly (mag caused?)

Less foamy urine 

2.46pm breathing difficulties 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feb 22 itchy tired chest pain breathing

Chest pain at night left
Woke up to pee and itchy
Struggled to fall asleep 

Woke 9.30am tired woozy

White rice 

Vit c d

1pm eat same 
No cod
Apple white rice 


Stomach pain
Trouble breathing short of breath - is it the magnesium pill? Iron?

Drink ginger 

5pm eat. No beets or rice.

Unsure if go hospital 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Feb 21, butter, mag, white rice, back pain

Took magnesium vit c d 
White rice butter jam turkey cucumber carrot   No brown rice cereal 

Lunch white rice leftovers hospital food
Stomach pain and shallow breathing

2.30pm dr online, will test celiac absorbtion

5pm back pain
Energy bit better but stomach still pain

White rice apple

Brown rice butter oil black seed jam orange juice 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feb 20, ER, low minerals, mag, phosphorus, ate gluten cheese

Itchy night 
Nuts ?
Orange ?

Woke up foggy brain 

9-10am usual 
Brown rice apple 
Vit c d

Stool a bit normal longer 


Ate cheese turkey sandwich and chicken rice lettuce twice. 

I've been eating more nuts and brown rice lately, looks like it may be a culprit for the low minerals:

"Preparing Grains, Nuts, Seeds and Beans for Maximum Nutrition

Phytic acid in grains, nuts, seeds and beans represents a serious problem in our diets. This problem exists because we have lost touch with our ancestral heritage of food preparation. Instead we listen to food gurus and ivory tower theorists who promote the consumption of raw and unprocessed “whole foods;” or, we eat a lot of high-phytate foods like commercial whole wheat bread and all-bran breakfast cereals. But raw is definitely not Nature’s way for grains, nuts, seeds and beans. . . and even some tubers, like yams; nor are quick cooking or rapid heat processes like extrusion.

Phytic acid is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially the bran portion of grains and other seeds. It contains the mineral phosphorus tightly bound in a snowflake-like molecule. In humans and animals with one stomach, the phosphorus is not readily bioavailable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability, the “arms” of the phytic acid molecule readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them unavailable as well. In this form, the compound is referred to as phytate."

Sent from my iPod

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb 19 no butter and gluten

Slept thru night 
Back pain 

Woke 8.30am
Felt fine

9-10 breakfast usual 
Olive oil 
Some strawberry jam
No butter today 

Vit c 
Took later

Lunch same 
Half apple 
Some jam 

Felt headache 
Tired from not eating enough?

Eating more
2 bowls sticky rice jam black seed olive oil walnut pecan 

6.31 stool balls tiny constipated 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Feb 18, lung clogged mucus, loss balance

Headache past 2 days from lack sleep 

This morning headache too but slept longer 

Usual breakfast 
Had more butter and more jam with cracker. 

Noticed throat breathing clogged after breakfast. Lung felt clogged with mucus
Is it too much butter? Did I catch a cold?

Vit c egcg

Stool 2 medium 

Lunch same
Black seed oil 

Headache woozy all day 
Breathing clogged 

Dz stress mood swings. 

6pm eat same 
Cod butter oil 

Felt very dizzy and loss of balance while eating. Very scary.

7pm feel cold. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Feb 17 saw vacation house yesterday

Ate late at 7pm? Talked long 
Dz stress indecision 
Slept late very tired 
Woke at 3am 
Not so itchy 
Headache thinking 
Woke 9.22am 

Stool long smells like cheese (I had organic pizza, Mac and cheese, salad yesterday and some chocolate) 

Usual breakfast 
Brown rice apple some apricot jam some butter
Vit c d 

Headache after email allergy

1pm eat same
No cod or oil 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Feb 16 very itchy

Yesterday stool twice 

Woke up 1am stayed up ipod 
3am itchy forehead (potato? Chips? Wheat?)

9am wake tired

10am eat usual lettuce 
Cod today 
Brown rice apple

Vit c

Walk indoors 
Stool 11am normal a bit soft 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Feb 15 itchy tired

Stool long 

Less foamy urine 

Tired after eating 
No cod 

Usual breakfast 
Vit c d 

1pm eat usual 
Brown rice 

Feel better 

Casting lots 

3.30pm chocolate croissant 
Peppermint tea

Back pain lost vision sitting in wrong position ? 
Right foot tingle 

White potato baked 
Tooth hurt left 
Usual meal 
Sprouted mana bread 3 slices with 2-3 tb butter ! And apricot jam

Foamy urine 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Feb 14, still foamy urine!

Went bed late dz hug 

Woke 7am 

Not itchy forehead anymore and headache better overall
Still itchy testical 

8am woke again
Foamy urine 

No cod today 
croissant butter jam
Brown rice 1 cup overnight no apple 


Forgot water 

1pm usual 
Black seed oil 

Chips 40 ? Olive oil 
6pm Sweets - brownie chocolate cheese cake 
Felt full 

7pm soup 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feb 13, wet dream, 110lb, stool

Less headache
Still a bit itchy at night (Italian herbs?)
Nose bit bloody past few days 

Had fish oil yesterday ?

Wet dream night 
Dz msg
Zit butt

Woke 8am

110 lbs after pee

Cucumber last night. 

Breakfast cucumber same 
No cod 
Vit c

10am Stool, a bit longer

Stomach still discomfort 

Brown rice apple butter jam before lunch

1pm lunch same
Black seed 

2pm walk outside 

5pm eat same
Rest of apple 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feb 12, less itchy

Went bed late, looking for rental house

9am awake 
Less headache 

Foamy urine 

Squash beets carrots lettuce black seed oil 

No butter, flax oil

Vit c d

1pm eat same 
Unsure what oil in food?


Soaked brown rice since morning

1-2.33pm took walk out alone
Cries depressed 

Ate soaked Brown rice, half apple, bit of jam, squash and butter

Eat same cod
Olive oil vinegar 

Stomach discomfort 

No stool so far

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feb 11 chest pain after coconut oil, black spot on tongue

Yesterday I had coconut oil and lots of fats and this morning I have chest pain- this always happens whenever I have it. 

Less headache overall and woke up 8am

Noticed black spot in tongue 
Ill try to eat probiotics pickle today 

9am usual 
Some avocado
1 slice sprouted whole wheat 

11am milk thistle tea

Stress dz finding place

12.14pm feel sick tired 

Chest pain left 
Ginger tea 

Fatigue caused by full moon in 3 days?

1.30pm eat same 
Squash beets 
Cayenne pepper bit

2pm stool balls constipation (coconut?)


Same but no zuchini 

Breathing headache dizzy stomach 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Feb 10 headache, stool

Headache thinking night
Woke late 

Still itchy and foamy urine 

Stool morning long
No stool yesterday 

Today no cheese sulfur or dumpling. 
Just croissant 

Tooth bleeding while eating 
Depressed and need to remove grains nuts and fruits from diet - back to Paleo 

2 croissant organic while wheat butter cheese olive capers 

Magnesium pill

Calcium mag po mouth swish 

1-2pm usual more cheddar butter
Squash beets 
Olive and flax 
No sugar fruit dumpling rice nuts etc

Less foamy urine

Short walk rain
Depressed cry 
4-5pm baking

5pm squash banana cookie - coconut flour oil milk cinnamon jam vanilla butter pecan walnut dried fig

Head a bit better 


Stomach discomfort 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Feb 9, gain weight 114lbs! Foamy itchy

Woke up slept thru well 


Very foamy 

114.8lbs before pee
113.2lbs after pee

Almost reached goal

Today coconut sauce marinated meat 

Same with squash lettuce except brown rice apple
No cod no nuts 
2 dumpling 

Vit c egcg

Still tired spaced out after talking thinking laptop

12:30pm lunch
Half of as usual lunch no squash beet cod oil 11/2 crossiants and pizza one dumpling?

5pm dinner
Finish the other half of lunch squash beet two dumpling cod oil

7pm soup

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Feb 8 pizza croissant

Woke up 3am pee 
Couldn't sleep too itchy 
8-9am woke stress dz argue croissant 
Frankinscence water

Less foamy urine

10.12am eat usual 
No brown rice fruit or flax 
Added brazil pis
2 dumpling 

Vit c d

Activated visa

Stool long

1pm organic pizza orderit
Onions some tomato

3 dumpling 

3pm walk fresh 

5pm still feel full
Eat ginger drink mint

Foamy urine 

Stool med

6pm eat pizza salad
1 croissant 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Feb 7 didn't sleep well, stool small, met Connie

Headache itchy cause by nuts cookies or shower

9:45am breakfast 
As usual with butter coconut milk two Chinese dumpling

Connie meet


Small stool 3 balls 

1pm same 
Coconut sauce 
Black seed
Mana breads butter jam
2 dumpling 

Short walk fresh

Herbal drink
 turkey cheddar
Leftover morning apple brown rice 
1 Slice Orange 

Feel full

Feel cold
Prostate pee burn? 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feb 6 woke breathless headache

Slept on left side head brain pain, woke up breathless. Huge pain. Right side a bit better. 
Woke to pee. Itchy at night (orange yesterday?) 

Foamy urine still
Dry skin

8am still brain fog 

Eat usual 

Vit c

Stool long 

 beets brazil pis no apple or coco milk 
Some Brown rice 

Headache dizzy

2 dumpling plain
2 dumpling sweet and salty


1pm eat same black seed

Brown rice half cup
Half apple
Beets squash
Nuts brazil pis 

2 dumpling salty sweet

2pm nap
3pm shower 
Eat same 
Beets nuts brown rice small

Half heart cookie
1 sweet dumpling 

Feel full

Energy and head better

5.49pm herbal drink 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Feb 5 dumpling , long stool, alcat blood

Woke up 2am pee
Thinking email headache (cilantro? Garlic in liver? Egg high sulfur?)
Woke 8am 

Squash Banana apple brown rice coconutmilk  walnut

Vit c d iron

Alcat food allergy blood drawn 

Turkey beets nuts brazil etc cod liver oil 
2 Dumpling is made of rice not wheat

Sunflower seeds tiny


10.30am Long stool easy pass!

1pm lunch usual 
Apple squash beet nuts brown rice 
2 dumpling. 1 crispy, 4 rice cake

Bowel movements!

Stool long (2nd)

4pm same meal
Apple nuts squash brown rice 

Laptop research home


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feb 4, tooth pain, liver eggs coconut milk, stool small

Slept well
Woke up 1 to pee didn't stay up
Woke 9am noise upstairs 

Upper tooth hurts 

Usual Breakfast 
Turkey squash flax bit more parsley 
Liver garlic onion
Nuts pistachio brazil walnut 
Beets brown rice 1/2 cup

Apple coconut milk walnut pecan butter 
clove brown rice 1/2 cup 

Walk fresh air 

Vit c d

1pm lunch 

1 Sambosa 

Coconut sauce new 
Liver new 
Zuchini carrot 
Coconut milk 
Brown rice beets squash apple 
Nuts same 

3.40pm 1 egg brown rice coconut flour butter cheese mozzarella 

4.30pm turkey squash coconut milk and sauce 

Rest relax 

Stool 2 small balls

5.18pm beets coconut milk brown rice cinnamon carrot blueberries 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 3 no. Stool, didn't sleep, stomach pain

Woke up 1am to drink water couldn't fall back asleep thinking about moving 

9am awake
10am Breakfast 
Same yesterday except added brazil pistachio 
3 Sambosa  small 
3 Chinese dumpling and 1 cracker 
1 whole wheat sprouted bread butter jam
1 French wheat biscotti 

Feel energy 

Vit c
No d

12-1pm felt stomach irritation pain like when i had sibo. Still No bowel movements. 

Light lunch 
Lettuce nuts turkey and 1 slice pizza black seed mandarin orange 

Still stomach irritation 
Peppermint tea

Feel cold 

4pm light snack 
Turkey and squash flax oil 

Upper tooth hurts 
Chew clove 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feb 2 very itchy, no stool

Itchy and headache in morning 

Causes ? 
-Raspberry in almond cookie 
Sweet potato 
-Dumpling salty or sweet 
Brown rice 
Potassium pills

Same breakfast flax

Vit c d egcg

Beets brazil pistachio brown rice 1 cup
Tiny piece pudding cake 

Still hungry 
1 bite sweet potato 

2 dumpling 

11am depressed 

12-1pm feel energy !

Same foods, some cayenne 
No pills 
1pm chinese pudding cake with butter cinnamon 

4pm a bit bloated 

3 veggie Sambosa cilantro garlic 
Mac and cheese half cup 
1 big pizza slice organic 
Half heart cookie and 2/3 chocolate macaroon 
Bite piece of whole wheat bread with butter jam

Feel full and good energy today 
Hands warm

Herbal drink 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Feb 1 headache all day but great stool

Still itchy not forehead
Urine less foamy

Morning Talking headache 

9:30am breakfast
Butter oil  cod oil Beet turkey carrot zucchini parsley squash flax oil

Stool, long normal!

Sweet potato chinese deep fried dumpling

Left eye and brain hurts all day. Can't walk exhausted

1.20pm eat 
No iron or nuts today
Brown rice half cup 
Turkey zucchini carrot parsley black seed

3.50pm feel bloated (sweet potato cause?)
Snack same as breakfast no butter oil cod oil 
Chinese deep fried dumpling half of almond cookie

4.40 walk indoors a bit


6.24pm red beet soup herbal 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan 31 itchy Chinese New Year

Itchy during the night (bread or walnuts?) test today same meals but skip bread.
Engaged last night 8:30

Foamy urine
Wake 8.30am

Same as yesterday (except red beets and more flax oil)

2 Chinese deep fried dumpling - green onion, tiny pork. 

Talk phone alcat test caregiver etc 

Eat more dumpling  2.5 more 
Tiny bean


1pm eat same yesterday brazil nut turkey squash black seed etc
2 bites of almond cookie and some butter

Caregiver assess 
Heart palp 

Headache talk 

Noticed eyelid lump big, put honey 

3.45pm snack same as yesterday 
iron pill
Bite almond cookie and mango cake 

Beets walnut


Stool small

Thursday, January 30, 2014

30 jan, went ER yesterday, low potassium, new moon today, less itchy

ULow potassium 
Possible food allergy from lamb yesterday or hummus mushroom who knows. 
Right eyelid lump bigger, short breath dizzy itchy headache. 

This morning less itchy
Yesterday lunch and dinner light turkey and veggie like before. Had squash at hospital food

No stool for 2 days since diarrhea 

Turkey squash carrot zucchini parsley flax oil butter oil cod oil 

Vit c d 

10.17am still hungry 
Headache tired 

10.41am yellow beets ginger

2 cups water 

11.34am stool balls 

12 bone broth 1 cup

1pm lunch
Same as breakfast 
Minus butter oil cod oil + black seed oil Brazil nut

Today's symptoms feels like a sulfur reaction - short of breath, brain fog etc

4pm same 

6pm squash walnuts 
Still feel hungry 

2 slices whole wheat manna bread butter jam

Feel better 

Took iron unknown time

7pm  called caregiver for tmr

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

29 jan itchy

Went bed 9pm talking dz woke at 1pm not so rested 
Very itchy (nightshades? )
Urine foamy 

9am woke urine less foamy 

2 Sourdough 
1 whole wheat pita 
Tabbouleh feta
Bit jam
Tiny bite almond tart 

Vit c egcg

Monday, January 27, 2014

28 jan slept 8pm last night

Sleep at 7.40pm
Wake 11.15pm felt refreshed
Itchy skin. 
Drink water 
iPod read 

11.57pm urinate a bit foamy yellow 

Woke at 8am felt good 
Thinking ipod 
Headache tired return sleep 
9.30am awake headache 
Foamy urine still yellow
10am 2 cups chamomile 

11am eat 
Sourdough turkey mozzarella 
Messed up green sauce too salty dz
Don't have craving for sweets
2 other small sourdough butter and mozzarella 
Tiny bit jam cracker 

Vit c d


Foamy much less urine (more water and less diuretics and skipped cookie)

11.50am milk thistle drops tincture 

1-2.45pm Lebanese food 
Lamb shrimp mushroom nightshades 
Hummus chickpeas salad feta cheese cauliflower pastry bite


4pm drink 2 cups 

5pm Lebanese food turkey hummus feta dessert - some cinnamon 

5.55pm foamy urine

No stool today ? Cinnamon yesterday after sweets?

1 cup peppermint 
Bone broth soup bowl (2cups?)

Noticed discomfort stomach sides
Stress dz 

27 jan, less sleep and huge pain urine, dehydration?

Went bed early at 9pm
Didn't drink soup lat night or much water

Woke up from muse at night and couldn't fall back asleep

Huge pain lower abdomen/penis 

Foamy urine and dark yellow urine

Researched - am I dehydrated? Diet lately has more carbs cheese bread and less watery veggies, and only drank 4 cups/day. 

Dry skin and foamy urine could be indicators 

I've been having too many diuretics like ginger parsley chamomile which flushes water out and causing dehydration?

Urine more clear less bubbly after 2 cups water.
Pain still remains

2 cups water chamomile ginger 

9.41 very smelly foul stool like alcohol bacterial fermentation. Not hard but soft this time. Easy pass and some pain. 
Possible causes from yesterday's food? Lactose intolerance to butter or sourdough bread? Cheese? 

10.30am  no sourdough today test

Naan bread (new) 
Mozzarella lactose free
Black seed oil 
Herbal sauce 
Remaining mixed greens 


French toast butter jam

Almond chocolate cookie cinnamon 

Vit c egcg

11-12pm 2 cups water only
Foamy urine less

12.09pm Diarrhea ! First time in months 

12.27pm diarrhea again, foul smelling like alcohol 

Could it be the lasagna that's contaminated? 

1-2.26 pm 
Lunch Sambosa 
No lasagna - it has guar gum!!!!
Naan cheese 
Sourdough grilled butter jam
Chocolate croissant
Half raspberry cookie

2-3pm gigong meditation (insomnia cause?)
2 cups water 

1 naan full cheddar turkey lettuce pickle 
Half Cookie and coconut chocolate 
Felt full 


Felt sleepy after eating sweets 
Blood sugar is 6.6ml within range 

2 cups water peppermint 

7pm Walk exercise indoors

Small Foamy urine yellow

Sunday, January 26, 2014

26 jan, Chinese bitters, plant mold

Slept early
Last night skip dinner only soup for change to help urine?
Started frankinscence on back 

Woke up better no headache

Urine still very foamy

Skin less dry (cod liver oil works?)

Small breakfast Pita turkey homemade herbal sauce beets and light cheese 

10am Chinese bitters 1 ts

Urine less foamy 

Noticed plants have mold! Bad for my health.

Stool many small balls, didn't defecate fully

Cold hungry 

1pm eat whole foods Sambosa 
Sourdough butter cheddar
Bit of sandwich 
French toast jam 
Mixed Greens 


2-3pm walk outside first time in weeks 

3-4pm cookies croissant cinnamon 
Feet warm 

6pm Sambosa 
Mixed greens
Small sourdough butter cheddar jam 
Tiny piece cookie 
Herbal sauce 

7pm shower found mold in shampoo
Made new shampoo honey onion cinnamon haloon seeds

Frankinscence oil on back

8pm Chinese bitters 1ts

Saturday, January 25, 2014

whats causing my foamy urine?

since eating more carbs (pizza, cheese, etc), I had foamy urine and sometimes a bit of pain


Food rich in phosphate include milk, cheese, beans, nuts, corn, chocolate, meat, egg yolk, mushrooms, wheat, oat etc and some processed food with additives such as soft drink, processed meat/hot dogs, biscuits, ketchup etc.

What does it mean when you have foamy urine? Should I be concerned if it doesn't go away after a few days?

Answers from Erik P. Castle, M.D.
Passing foamy urine now and then is normal, for the speed of urination and other factors can influence this. But you should see your doctor if you have persistently foamy urine that becomes more noticeable over time. This can be a sign of protein in your urine (proteinuria), which requires further evaluation. Increased amounts of protein in urine may indicate a serious kidney problem.
If your urine seems unusually foamy most of the time, your doctor may recommend that your urine be checked for elevated levels of protein. If the test is positive, you may need further tests to determine the cause of the problem.

What is foamy urine a sign of? Ever since I went paleo five months ago my urine has been foamy. Any idea what it could be? I eat VLC and very high fat. I consume no fruit, nuts, dairy, or starchy vegetables. Could it be a problem with my kidneys?

Answer by Kashkillz 3483 · Jan 12 '13 at 08:16 PM Protein won't damage healthy kidneys. But, if your kidneys are already a mess for whatever reason, excessive protein will be dangerous. This is due to it building up... NOT being excreted. So basically, if you're eating a high protein diet, when your urine's NOT foamy is when you need to worry.

I have been researching foamy urine for over a month. The foamy urine could be caused by anything as a urinary track infection or a chronic kidney disorder. I am a diabetic, so this is a huge concern for me. After my anxiety totally drained me, i decided to make an appointment with a kidney specialist called 'nephrologist' to ease my mind. The bottome line is that you need blood work to see what your GFR, Bun / creatine functions are. Get a copy of the results and compare it to the 'normal range'. Not eating dairy products and fish and drinking 8-10 glasses of water has significantly helped in flushing my kidney / urinary system...Go to a specialist.

Sometimes you may experience this foamy urine or bubbly urine after eating a lot of fish, chicken and other meats. These meats contain muco-proteins. People who take a lot of protein supplements, such as whey protein powder, may see this bubbly urine as well. Why is this? Well, if your body is not breaking down these proteins efficiently, the protein is usually expelled from your body in your urine. The proteins, when combined with the air, then produce a foamy or bubbly urine. Proteinuria caused by eating too much protein in your diet is, of course, temporary, and the proteinuria should diminish as you reduce the amount of protein you are consuming.

Jan 25 feeling warm, slept late last night, headache today

Ordered food ate late last night 

Slept 10pm

Woke up at night itchy (nightshades? Tomatoes potatoes?)

Crave salad 

Woke late tired 9am but felt warm feet and great

Weigh 109.6 lbs after urine

Dry skin (too much omega 6 and not enough cod liver oil?)

Ate bit of everything 
Breakfast wrap sandwich 
Skipped tomatoes and made herbal sauce
Pizza chicken
Cod liver oil 
Mac n cheese fries

Vit c egcg vit d

11.18am stool 3 balls med
Urine still foamy


1pm lunch same as before 
Mixing everything 

Slow walk 

Urine less foamy 

4pm same but less

5pm foamy urine 

Soup no dinner
Slept early
Massage stomach 

Friday, January 24, 2014

24 jan, still foamy urine, frankin back

Woke 3am and return Sleep. headache when rhinking

8am Foamy urine 
Right lip pain


 9am organic  pizza leftover 
Vit c

Noon lunch 
Pizza chicken - removed tomatoes (caused itchy testes?)
Turkey zuchini


12.45pm stool 2 medium balls 

3pm same 

Good energy, walk a bit

Foamy urine 

Herbal drink ginger cinnamon 

6-7pm roots cafe 
Chicken tandoori fries 
Mac n cheese 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jan 23, pizza delivery

Still foamy urine

Woke up tired headache 

Frankinscence water

Breakfast turkey and zuchini carrot parsley 

No nuts today
No cayenne

Vi c d

Mint tea

Dz stress schedule apt 

10.45am Headache 

1pm same
Flax oil 
Panettone bread 
New Butter from upstairs 


2.30 pm stool 2 balls 

3pm pita half cheese and turkey 

6pm 3 organic pizza slices (chicken apple) delivery 

Felt more energy 
6.37 foamy urine 
Herbal drink ginger 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jan 22 stomach pain spasm last night

Stress last night, need caregiver 

Foamy urine again 

Breakfast turkey zuchini 
Flax oil 

Vit c

Lunch pita pizza chicken 
Turkey zuchini carrot 

Stomach spasms 
Left foot sharp pain
Noticed right lip pain

Half butter cookie 
3pm artichoke Brazil nut 

No stool morning  (had cinnamon yesterday )

4-5pm stool slow balls 

Urine still foamy 


Turkey balls zucchini
Some Chicken tiny garlic 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan 21, foamy urine, suicidal depressed

Last night talk headache dizzy 

Morning Headache stress cry
Renovation soon

Foamy urine


Chicken pizza homemade - pita, tomato, cheese
Green drink cup black seed oil Brazil nut 

Less foamy urine (frankinscence and chamomile ?)

Vit c

11 stool balls 

12pm French bread turkey carrot avocado grapefruit cheese lettuce sandwich homemade 

3pm Chinese dumpling 
3 cookie and bunnies handful 
Tea cinnamon 

Lied down

5pm stomach pain sibo related


Foamy urine again
Skip dinner
Drink ginger 

I asked dz to call caregiver and she amost had heart attack cuz she's too stressed to call. I can't get help

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan 20, last day mom, sandwich

Diet time ?

9:50 breakfast
Half cup yam with ginger Brazil nut
Half cup beet with parsley ginger
One six avocado with parsley walnut

11am poo poo

Green drink

Pita pizza homemade 

Club Safeway chicken artichoke sandwich 

Small chocolate 


Felt more energy
Pee foamy burning urine

Herbal drink 

Bit of chicken lettuce 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jan 18 felt more energy

Woke up feel better. Acne. Dry skin 

Breakfast all pills 
Felt cold headache after green drink 

Lunch Sambosa 
Pita hummus 

Cut hair took shower. 
Hummus snack pita veggie tomatoes

Lentils rice 
Hummus pita
Cookies upstairs

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jan 17, mom prayed, ate junk food

OWoke up late depressed headache he sick

Went nuts and ate tons of carbs 
Mom prayed

Full moon 2 days ago?

7pm Stool 3 balls

1.40pm eat samosa herb
Felt good 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jan 16, woke up better, mom cam

Woke up better
Last night massage 
Also had sunlight in living room 
I had bc po vit d zinc and no multi 

10am finish eat
Vit c 

Had zinc vit d bc again for lunch 
And bigger turkey no beets 
1-3pm No walk mom talk

3-4pm same but pistachio added
Ate some cashew 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jan 1, stool

Last night headache. Eat ringing lately. Worse after talking to gene friend. 
Pimple butt after sauna? 
Stomach rub morning short. No stool yesterday. 

No polyester. Bit cold. Changed all new clothes to cotton. 

Dz itchy throat last night. Cold this morning? She took zinc. 

Gigong morning.

Head fog


Breakfast butter oil 
New jasmine rice black seed oil
Vit c d

12.24pm 2nd stool softer edges 

Eat jasmine rice 1/3 cup
Beets yellow
Green drink
Flax oil 
Herbs black pepper cumin 

1.38 turkey green

Gigong relax

Rice turkey 1 cup 
Green drink

Head feels better watch funny

6pm rice green drink 1 cup 
Butter oil 
3 olives 

Jan 2, stool, dizzy morning headache night

Woke up with headache like seizure? Middle night. 
Woke up late headache
Last night slept late, researching diet and noise upstairs. 
Soft music before bed.
Felt better last night head improved after eating more.

I suspect white rice is causing diabetes type of symptoms 

Tested blood sugar after eating morning was 5.6. Felt better after eating.

No stool yet and felt bowels. 
Stomach was spasm ing a little. 

Skip rice and olives today. No music before bed. 

10am breakfast 
Vit c

Rest all day 

Frequent urination smelly 

1.22pm eat turkey 
Black seed oil 
Green drink 

2pm Walk 10 mins indoors
Stool soft 

Head still dizzy tired 

Gigong open

4.20 pm eat 
Butter 1/2 ts 

Today no laptop watch funny 

Walk 15 min indoors 
Stomach spasm a little 

New moon yesterday. 

6pm carrot soup ginger 

Jan 3 headache, no stool, more oil

Felt better 
Slept good 
Dream need iron

Pumpkin bitter
Black seed oil 1/2 ts
Vit c d

Head still 3/10

Realized I'm very low in nutrients like vitamin e and zinc. 

12.41pm turkey cod liver oil
Multivitamin new sisu 

Sneezed while eating 

Bigger dinner beets 2 drinks extra carrots
Olive oil 
Flax oil 

Felt full
Walk 15 mins

No stool today

7.30 soup

Jan 4, no stool, multivitamin 2x, chest pain from oil, head better

Chest pain night (from olive oils?)

Head tired 

2tb long grain rice 
2tbs walnuts
Butter oil 

No other oils

Vit c 

Smelly urine

11.38am snack 
2 tbs rice
1/2 pear
4tbs of green drink
Dash of Spices butter oil cayenne 

12.12pm Indigestion bloating bubbles throat 

Munch on ginger 

1pm eat turkey 
Gren drink 
No oils 

4pm eat 
Turkey butter oil
Spices cayenne ginger cumin 

Stomach bit grumble 

No stool

Stomach pain all over 

6pm eat 
Munch ginger 
No oils 
New- Grapefruit juice

Head feels better this afternoon 
6.39pm beets