Thursday, October 3, 2013


Height: 5"10. 
2011-2012: 125-130 LBS
3/15/2013:   120.5 LBS 
3/28/2013:    115.4 LBS
4/11/2013: 114.0 LBS
4/25/2013: 112.2 LBS
5/30/2013: 110.4 LBS

9/26/2013  111lbs

22nd Jan 2014:
Main concerns:
-Get a diet that I can tolerate to heal SIBO and have enough nutrition and gain weight.

Main questions before meal planning:

  1. -Is it low FP/GI? (Fermentation Potential). SIBO friendly based on "Low fermentation potential" foods plan from Dr Norman Robillard. I have the book on Kindle, you can refer the list of foods that are "low FP" and "low GI".  The Fast Tact approach uses the Fermentation Potential to determine how much of each food is safe amount to consume.
  2. Is it low sulfur? no sulphur foods high in thiols like dairy, brocooli, cabbage, onions, quinoa, garlic, etc. Please see a partial list here:
  3. Am I allergic/intolerant to it? (please see my allergy list below)
  4. Is it balanced according to Chinese food medicine (Yin/Yang) ? I am very yin "cold" and need more yang "hot" foods.  Please see explanation here:

Food intolerances 2012-early 2013


(Things that didn’t show in allergy tests):


Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, etc.) 
Cause eczema or stomach pain
Citrus fruits including strawberries, lemon, etc -
Cause acne or pus in gums, and other inflammation, foot/hand swelling
vitamin C (buffered from naturopath, and NOW brand) -
Causes HUGE stomach pain

no sulphur foods high in thiols like brocooli, cabbage, onions, quinoa, garlic, etc, causes all symptoms above. Please see a partial list here:

no chicken/eggs, but OK in small quantity (gives me eczema and itchy skin) - 
Thyme or basil causes itchiness (OK now.)
NO BREADS - 2 barley bread makes me tired, etc = fatigue
oat bran, causes constipation... I may try rolled oats
Grains like brown rice and dairy are problematic according to dietitians and my experience = stomach pain
No seafood due to mercury
Possible Candida issues - pls look for candida friendly diet (that means less fruits or low sugar)

THIS IS NOT A FULL LIST....PLEASE REFER TO MY FOOD ALLERGY TEST FROM DR. RAM 2012. Please ignore the low reaction foods on the test, the doctor say its inaccurate due to mercury skewed results. Just pay attention to the allergic foods.

Food intolerances summer 2013

Eliminating the above for a few months greatly improved my symptoms, I could even test and eat new foods that I'm normally allergic too and was so happy.

Thyme/italian herbs OK daily
Chicken OK sometimes
Goat cheese, barley bread, Butter oil  OK but on tiny amounts
Potato chips was OK daily, organic potatoes too, in moderate amount (No longer OK)
Nuts, seeds, OK daily (small quantities, I think)

My average diet (mostly ketogenic/low carb)

Food intolerances FLARE UP September 2013

I had red meat (top round steak organic) that may be causing me to feel sick. First I had it once, then 2 days later, I had a swollen eyelid, a chalazion, then itchy skin over a week. Then I had it 3x a week, and I went to the hospital last night sep 29th after feeling dizzy, headache and short of breath. They couldn't figure out why. The doc said "Maybe the meat caused laryngitis?". I felt better after IV fluids, went back home, but still feel awful this morning. 

For example, if its a delayed allergic reaction to meat as explained on the link below, or if its a food intolerance (and not an allergy), then it wont show up in typical allergy tests. I'd rather not waste more money and energy if I can.


September overview:

8th:  Beef
10th Swollen eyes
11: leg cramp

11-19;  swollen eye reduced

19th:  Noticed chalazion

23rd:  beef  once and creatinine powder daily
24th;  leg cramp

25th:  itchy skin, noticed spots on my hips (hives?)
added coconut flakes

26th:  beef  and potato
bitten by a tick/mosquito outdoors

27th:  beef and potato, white rice.   noticed right lip hurts.

28th;  head/fatigue 8/10

29th; hospital ER, short of breath, dizzy

30th; changed diet, tired 2/10, head 2/10

My elimination diets after the flare up/diary
Need help with:
someone to look at my food intake, food diary, and help me manage my food
intolerance symptoms? 

What's causing my symptoms? What should I eat instead?
How long does this flare up will last?
Enough calories during elimination diet?


7-9am;  head 1/10

breakfast, pills
nut mix

fatigue/head 8/10

(was concerned, suspected new things like beef, coconut flakes, camu vit C, singing, sleep, nuts, creatine powder?)

1pm stool
1-2pm stool  (3rd one, all normal)

lunch,  no pills

tired 8/10

4pm; skipped nut snack
ginger water

5;  dinner,  no oil or seeds
pills, vit c

ginger and clove

9-1pm; sleep

sept  29th;

7am; rise,  right side lips in pain, dry/dark
8am; stool
breathe 1/10

9am;  2nd stool, soft

head 2/10

9-10;  breakfast,   1/2 less husk/flaxseeds,  no citrate powder, and 5 almond nuts
pills,  vit C, egcg

(suspecting allergic reaction yesterday, doing research)

10am;  picked nose, noticed slight nose bleed (I usually have that when I'm intolerant to food)

1 caper with 1ts of almond butter, but skipped my nut mix snacks today

1;30pm  lunch,  removed pumpkin/sunflower seeds, added carrots and eggplant
pills, vit C
3 grapes

2;24pm;  tired 3/10

took blood pressure; 94/58/77  (it's lowish)

4pm;  bone broth with salt

4.23pm;  feel better,  bp 109/65/77

5;49pm  tired, dizzy, cold
dinner, carrots,  no seeds
pills, vit C (took it 3 times today, thought it'll help with allergy)

7pm ;  dizzy, short of breath, called 911, hospital.

I told the doc I had red meat (top round steak organic) that may be causing me to feel sick. First I had it once, then 2 days later, I had a swollen eyelid, a chalazion, then itchy skin over a week. Then I had it 3x a week, and I went to the hospitat sep 29th after feeling dizzy, headache and short of breath. They couldn't figure out why. The doc said "Maybe the meat caused inflammation of the ear, laryngitis, causing the dizziness?". I felt better after IV fluids, went back home, but still feel awful next morning. 

9-10; home, sleep

sept; 30th;

6am rise
head 2/10
heart beat fast 
tired 2/10

8-9; breakfast  (reduced to 5 almonds nuts from 10, and less seeds)

10;  stool, blood specks? (Suspect vitamin C increased)

1;33pm;  lunch, added carrots
eye teary

4pm; bone broth, nap

5-6pm  dinner, carrot

pills,  egcg

6;40;  tea, mint

9; sleep


8am; rise
head 0 to 1/10
chest pain  1/10

no stool but mucus flatulence

9;30am  breakfast  (reduced pumpkin seeds, husk, flaxseeds etc by 1/2)
pills, no vit C

10-10;35  outside slow walk
bone broth

1pm; lunch (no carrots)

1-2; pain rectum

2pm   noticed less lips pain!  can stretch mouth open

4pm;  eat 1/2 sweet potato with  1/2 tbs  coco oil

5pm; dinner

7-8pm  tired  2/10,  breathing 2/10

9;10;  sleep

oct; 2nd

7am; rise
heart pain 1/10
head 1/10

9; breakfast (more flaxseed)

9;30-10;  stool, slow, soft/slimey, smelly, no blood

10;46;  head 4/10, vision blurry

12;48;  lunch 
pills- no vit C

4pm  hungry    head 3/10

5;30pm dinner
still hungry and Headache

Added extra 1 tbs pumpkin and sunflower seeds at dinner because I felt hungry.

6pm;  ginger
7pm;  turkey bone broth

9;30; sleep

October 3rd:
Headache 5/10
Lips skin dry pain 2/10

Diet I've been eating since elimination (approx.) past few days.

Concerned I'm not eating enough on this elimination diet!

Wondering if flaxseed from last night caused symptoms. Removing flax seed powder/oil, all seeds and nuts except for almond nuts and black seed oil. Flaxseed oil shown below is replaced with black seed oil.)

I weigh 108.6lbs after eating. Lost 3 lbs! Not good.

Diet planning
Updating my diet to increase calories. Really hard without seeds, fiber and nuts.... 

Vegetables (as well as some fruits) are often high in insoluble fiber. While soluble fiber can be soothing for the gut, consuming large amounts of insoluble fiber when your gut is inflamed is a little bit like rubbing a wire brush against an open wound. Ouch.

I'm adding the breakfast for snack, and added almond nuts, still not enough calories

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