Saturday, November 23, 2013

dump phase - why I feel so sick lately

How safe is ALA during dumping phase? The reason I ask is because I'm past 6 months since removal and I wanted to start ALA during the holiday. But I recently had curcumin after a long pause, and bam, all hell broke loose. I was brain dead and literally stared at the wall almost all day. I used to tolerate at least 1 a day. It seems I'm more sensitive than usual. How long does this dump phase usually last?

Yes, ALA is helpful then.
The dump phase is at least several months and can be much longer.  You'll know when it's finally over.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, volume 63, pages 553-550, 1999

Can someone explain the science behind the dump phase Andy speaks about in his book. 

+++Andy Cutler gives his evidence (scientific papers, his own observation, enough of the cases backed up by urinalysis and blood tests) about the 6 month dump (2010):

++++Andy Cutler on basis for the graph on p. 52 in AI (dump phase 6 months out) (testimonials; Molin study)(2004):

Do people find the graph in the book accurate?

+++Yes. It is spot on though the length of the dump varies with the person (as the graph indicates). 

+++Old Andy Cutler post that not everyone's body dumps at the same timeviz page 52 chart in AI:

I am currently 8 months post amalgam removal and feel awful. My energy levels have plummeted. I am having irritability, anger, and OCD issues. My concentration and memory are also worse than before.

+++Re: Cutler, this is to be expected during the dump/stall phase. Youmay need to try some extra supplements to support yourself during this time. I upped my Vit C intake during the dump (2000mg every couple hours during day) (and I was not chelating at the time, had only just found the grouparound that time....). Personally, I found sauna (every night of my 3 month dump) to be extremely helpful (but I had lots of acute exposure lead, which comes out really well with sauna). You can consult the links (member posts on sauna as well as Andy's 2008 posts) for tips on how to do it carefully. If you cannot sweat (can be common in Hg-toxicity as is oversweating),have a look first on page 49 of Amalgam Illness for some tips. 

I have managed to do 15 rounds of chelation. 10 rounds with 12.5mgs DMSA, and 5 rounds with both 12.5mgs DMSA and 12.5mgs ALA. The last 4 weeks I have been unable to chelate due to side effects.

Any feedback is appreciated.

++A few more posts from Cutler about the dump: 

+++The "dump" phase is called "stall" period on the Cutler wiki (and Cutler calls it the "rollercoaster" once on you can't get off it):

++++Andy Cutler post saying why for kiddos w/out amalgam it may be bestto chelate with ALA before dump phase, and that for a small child development is happening so risk a lot by waiting a year to use ALA (waiting for organs to clear) since more will go up to the brain and none coming out during this year of development. Dump chews up membranes and BBB, chelating willhelp with this, not doing it will be more unpleasant. Situation may be different for adults whose dump comes 6-9 mos. after last amalgam is removed...(2001):

+++Andy Cutler on autistic children do go through a dump phase also (and anyone with Hg in them to toxic levels, so that includes an adult who never had amalgam):

+++Old Andy Cutler post that ASD kids have dump, for them time zero is first starting chelation:

++++Andy Cutler further explains p. 52 graph (mention that autistic child will also get a dump) (2008):

+++Andy Cutler on the "stall" period (dump phase) and on MB12 (100% will get anger symptoms if they supplement long enough) (2008):

+++atb Laura

Joe P.
Does anyone know Andy's basis for Figure 15 on page 52? 

The uniform experience of all mercury toxic people I talked to plus the 
uniform reports of all the doctors who detox them plus a few leading 
bits of data in the mainstream medical literature (e. g. one of the 
data points in the Molin study). 

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