Saturday, November 15, 2014

Feel bloated. I may have SIBO again like last year

Notice these 2 posts. It's almost the same repetition of the same problem in November last year!

And this:

Mistakes and lessons learned:

-I need a family doctor, I don't have anyone to track and measure this. It's very frustrating. 
-I had more carbs this year. It takes 1 and 1/2 year to solve SIBO with diet... I wasn't patient enough by reintroducing more carbs to gain weight (I'm underweight) since I was rarely bloated, I thought the problem wouldn't reoccur. I should have done prevention by adopting a low-moderate carb diet, and pay more attention. This is a frustrating balance. "Failure to use a low-carb preventative diet following treatment. Diet along with prokinetics are needed to prevent relapse of this commonly recurring condition."  
Low-carbohydrate diets are weight-loss diets. Particular attention must be paid to those who are low weight or underweight. If a low-carb SIBO diet is causing too much weight loss, this dietary strategy will need to be altered to allow for more carbohydrates. In these circumstances, one or more of the other three treatment options should be considered along with white rice, glucose, and other carbohydrate sources.
-Didn't take probiotic foods long enough after resolving bloating.

Action steps:
-Find dietitian, ask Rebecca, find dietitian. ASAP. 

-Juice most of my meals tomorrow and at night?
 " Elemental Diet An elemental diet can be used in place of antibiotics or herbal antibiotics to rapidly decrease bacteria. Elemental diets are powdered predigested nutrients that are mixed with water and used in hospitals for various gastrointestinal disorders to give digestion a rest. The concept behind this treatment for SIBO is that the nutrients will be absorbed before having a chance to feed the bacteria, thus feeding the person but starving the bacteria. It is used in place of all meals, for 2 to 3 weeks, and has a success rate of 
80% to 85%.48" 
-Make a list of herbal antibiotics I can tolerate:  (ginger, peppermint, maybe oregano.) No cinnamon.

Herbal Antibiotics
While there has only been one published report of herbal antibiotics in the treatment of SIBO, our experience is that they have similar effectiveness to antibiotics.56 We have used the following botanicals: Allium sativum, Hydrastis canadensis, and other berberine-containing herbs, Origanum vulgare, cinnamon, and Azadirachta indica. We have used these as both single agents and in various combinations at dosages that are at the upper end of label suggestions × 30 days. Specific single dosages we have used include allicin extract of garlic: 450 mg b.i.d.–t.i.d., goldenseal/berberine: 5g q.d. in split dosage, emulsified oregano: 100 mg b.i.d., and neem: 300 mg t.i.d. Our breath testing has validated the need for the longer treatment period of 30 days for herbal antibiotics compared with 14 days for antibiotics. We have also observed with this method prolonged die-off reactions, which can last for the duration of treatment course. Studies on herbal antibiotics for SIBO are needed, particularly to identify botanicals effective in reducing methane.

-Make a list of herbal antibiotics that reduce methane?

-Make a list of foods I currently eat. 

Acorn Squash
(Tapioca, white Rice = this will be removed, too stratchy/carbs)

Check if I can eat: fennel, plantain, rhubarb. 


Olive oil

-Check this list of foods I can eat on a low FP diet (Low fermentable potential). 
-Put them in the food software dietitian to make sure I'm eating enough calories per day. 
-Find a carb I can tolerate (sticky rice? jasmine rice? only small 1 cup, like congee/cooked.) 

-Make a list of supplements (I'll def need potassium/iron) and herbs (bitters like ginger/peppermint) I'll need. See this:

-Follow up with allergy test. Am I allergic to carrots?

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