Friday, November 29, 2013

Nov 29 ER, light meals day 1, no psyllium husk, stomach pain

Had nausea and stomach grumble after psyllium and skipped dinner on Thursday. Woke up this morning (Friday) with lower back pain, stomach discomfort and difficulty shallow breathing. The pain is also in the middle of the chest, a sharper one, intermittently. Feels like an object is stuck in my lower abdomen on the left near the belly button. Some slight pain on my right abdominal side as well, especially when I lie down on my left side. I'm concerned about intestinal blockage due to psyllium husks. Doing low fiber low residue liquid diet today, no nuts, no hard fruits, no psyllium. Just squash, sweet potato, banana, bone broth and soft boiled turkey.

  • Any drugs, alcohol, medication? No
  • When did you begin experiencing abdominal pain or other symptoms? For 1-2 months.
  • Did your symptoms come on all of a sudden or have you had symptoms like these before? I had them before, one and off.
  • Is your pain continuous?   Yes, it comes in waves.
  • Have you experienced nausea, vomiting, fever, blood in your stool, diarrhea or constipation?  I had constipation, nausea, diarrhea,  possible blood in stool but could be from food.
  • Have you had surgery on your abdomen? No
  • Have you had radiation to your abdomen? No

Similar concern here:

Concerns about psyllium obstructing my bowels...

I originally started taking psyllium for a few months.. For the most part, I defecate regularly (once a day) but wanted to soften up my stools a bit because sometimes, I would be constipated.. And in addition, I wasn't eating too many fruits..

For the 2 months or so I was using psyllium, I know that I wasn't drinking enough water to go along w/ it & I'm afraid that it might've caused a blockage in my intestines - I read that it can harden & cause an obstruction if you don't take enough water with it. From the day I stopped taking it til now, I have intermittent stomach cramps/pressure & it feels as though there is an object stuck in my lower abdomen (particularly on the left side, right next to my belly button). As the day progresses, I tend to feel it more. Unfortunately, I didn't realize til after the fact that I needed to consume lots & lots of water to go along w/ the psyllium.

What can I do to flush the psyllium out of my intestines? I really do feel like it is stuck there & giving me this weird discomfort. Any help, suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

Re: Concerns about psyllium obstructing my bowels...

My dad used to take psyllium every day. He ended up with a blockage of the small intestine (18 inches became necrotic). He tried to ignore the symptoms and waited too long. I am a nurse in long term care, and you don't see much metamucil being prescribed anymore. We use a lot of miralax, and citracel.

8am rise pain back and stomach 
Shallow breathing 

Stool normal
9am Tea

Bone broth
No appetite/nausea 

11pm juice 
Banana apple pear sweet potato ginger 
Vit c

-Will this diet be enough or should I go on a liquid diet for a day or two?
-How long to go on this diet until symptoms resolve? I may go to hospital Monday if energy.

-How to get enough protein since I'm skipping nuts?

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