Saturday, November 30, 2013

what's causing stomach pain?

abdominal pain (all over) possible causes

mercury dumping phase




PubMed Health states that stomach pain is a common side effect of using psyllium fiber supplements and that indigestion may cause the pain.

Read more:

Duodenal Bezoars

A bezoar is a mass of material that forms in the intestines when fiber, hair or other indigestible materials clump into a ball that passes through the stomach but doesn't get eliminated in feces. Some people who took a commercial laxative product that contained roughly 82 percent psyllium developed bezoars in the first section of the small intestine, called the duodenum, reports. Potential symptoms of a bezoar include abdominal pain, indigestion, an upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and gastric ulcers. Some people with bezoars also have abdominal lumps that can be felt by hand.

Read more:
People with Narrowing of the GI Tract
Narrowing of the gastrointestinal tract, which can occur as a complication of spastic bowel, is a psyllium husk contraindication. If your bowels are abnormally narrow, psyllium husk may expand in your intestines and cause a bowel obstruction. Do not take psyllium husk if you have a narrow GI tract.


Quite an alarming disclaimer tho is that it is said side effects is they can cause bowel obstruction as sometimes the husks can form solid lumps in the intestines.

  • I noticed you wrote "My ongoing stomach pain and nausea is gone. "
    did you notice an increase of stomach pain 6-9 months after your last mercury exposure, during your dumping phase when organs are releasing mercury?

    Yes or after about 6 to 18 months and then it just went away. It flared up bad the past two months before it went away. I had been taking a break from chelating at the time. So not sure if it was from chelating or just prayer. Maybe both.  

    Pain: In waves. it was worse at night and first thing in the morning. At night it was a stronger pain but not sharp. Some nights were miserable. Lots of nausea on and off. Like a stomach ache and the pain you feel before you throw up but I never threw up. 
Cutler: The dumping phase can do all kinds of things, but this doesn't sound like it to me.

BC:  "Most of us get a review of all the symptoms we had with the stall phase. Some new ones can show up, too. Stomach and abdominal pain for me is intimately tied to food intolerances. I had a handle on these over two years before amalgam removal and chelation. So the stall phase is frustrating because you got to feel about as good as you can remember and can see normal from there then here comes that lousy tuff you dealt with when the amalgams were in. It is something to live through like puberty."

I have this on my big toe - a discoloration.? is there a link with intestine inflammation??


Both large and small bowel can be affected by ischemia. Ischemia of the large intestine may result in an inflammatory process known as ischemic colitis. Ischemia of the small bowel is called mesenteric ischemia.

Nov 30, hospital yesterday, juice all day

Still some stomach pain all over.

8am rise
9am Frankinscence 
Mint tea

Zucchini, acorn squash, ginger olive oil juice
Vit c

Stomach pain

stool, normal, small hard to pass

12.19  1/2 cup soft turkey

juice:  1banana, pear, apple, carrot, ginger


2 tea
3pm turkey black seed oil 1/2 cup

felt good

4pm juice
stomach grumble

5pm almond milk 1 cup
Turkey 1/2cup
1 Potassium 

6.30 sweet potato few tbs

Headache tired (from not eating enough?
Laptop use?)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Nov 29 ER, light meals day 1, no psyllium husk, stomach pain

Had nausea and stomach grumble after psyllium and skipped dinner on Thursday. Woke up this morning (Friday) with lower back pain, stomach discomfort and difficulty shallow breathing. The pain is also in the middle of the chest, a sharper one, intermittently. Feels like an object is stuck in my lower abdomen on the left near the belly button. Some slight pain on my right abdominal side as well, especially when I lie down on my left side. I'm concerned about intestinal blockage due to psyllium husks. Doing low fiber low residue liquid diet today, no nuts, no hard fruits, no psyllium. Just squash, sweet potato, banana, bone broth and soft boiled turkey.

  • Any drugs, alcohol, medication? No
  • When did you begin experiencing abdominal pain or other symptoms? For 1-2 months.
  • Did your symptoms come on all of a sudden or have you had symptoms like these before? I had them before, one and off.
  • Is your pain continuous?   Yes, it comes in waves.
  • Have you experienced nausea, vomiting, fever, blood in your stool, diarrhea or constipation?  I had constipation, nausea, diarrhea,  possible blood in stool but could be from food.
  • Have you had surgery on your abdomen? No
  • Have you had radiation to your abdomen? No

Similar concern here:

Concerns about psyllium obstructing my bowels...

I originally started taking psyllium for a few months.. For the most part, I defecate regularly (once a day) but wanted to soften up my stools a bit because sometimes, I would be constipated.. And in addition, I wasn't eating too many fruits..

For the 2 months or so I was using psyllium, I know that I wasn't drinking enough water to go along w/ it & I'm afraid that it might've caused a blockage in my intestines - I read that it can harden & cause an obstruction if you don't take enough water with it. From the day I stopped taking it til now, I have intermittent stomach cramps/pressure & it feels as though there is an object stuck in my lower abdomen (particularly on the left side, right next to my belly button). As the day progresses, I tend to feel it more. Unfortunately, I didn't realize til after the fact that I needed to consume lots & lots of water to go along w/ the psyllium.

What can I do to flush the psyllium out of my intestines? I really do feel like it is stuck there & giving me this weird discomfort. Any help, suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

Re: Concerns about psyllium obstructing my bowels...

My dad used to take psyllium every day. He ended up with a blockage of the small intestine (18 inches became necrotic). He tried to ignore the symptoms and waited too long. I am a nurse in long term care, and you don't see much metamucil being prescribed anymore. We use a lot of miralax, and citracel.

8am rise pain back and stomach 
Shallow breathing 

Stool normal
9am Tea

Bone broth
No appetite/nausea 

11pm juice 
Banana apple pear sweet potato ginger 
Vit c

-Will this diet be enough or should I go on a liquid diet for a day or two?
-How long to go on this diet until symptoms resolve? I may go to hospital Monday if energy.

-How to get enough protein since I'm skipping nuts?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nov 28 slept well, stomach pain, skip dinner

Didn't wake up, or don't recall
8-9am rise 
Zinc vit c d b 
Milk thistle
12.30 Talk dz, tired head 3/10

Lunch turkey

Stomach grumble (psyllium husk cause?)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nov 27

Rise 1am, 4am
Itchy forehead scaly skin
8am testing ala schedule 
Brain fog 3/10
Left chest pain sharp 2/10
Vit c
Stool normal 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nov 26, small stool, itchy

Rise night itchy
8-9am rise

iPod ate late
Brain dog 4/10

Zinc, vit c d
Small stool 

12 Small stool soft 

Lunch turkey 

No sauna not working 

4-5pm Avocado and extra black seed oil 
No green drink/snack 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov 25, woke up night, itchy, no dry lip

Dry lip no more pain since yesterday (sauna? Phenol exclusion of cinnamon and grapes?)

Woke up middle night, itchy forehead urinate night
Half sleep
8-9am rise
Brain fog 3/10

Vit c b
10.36 Stool, soft

Headache all day 

Lunch almonds
Walk out 

Stomach discomfort (fiber from drink?)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nov 24, brain fog, no grapes/cinnamon, no Selenium

8am rise 
Headache 3/10
No itchy or urinate at night 

No stool (no prune yesterday?)
Vit c
Massage feet

11.53 stool slow pass

Turkey lunch
Walk outside 

Sauna 45min

113.8 lbs (gained weight past few months)


5pm dinner beets 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

dump phase - why I feel so sick lately

How safe is ALA during dumping phase? The reason I ask is because I'm past 6 months since removal and I wanted to start ALA during the holiday. But I recently had curcumin after a long pause, and bam, all hell broke loose. I was brain dead and literally stared at the wall almost all day. I used to tolerate at least 1 a day. It seems I'm more sensitive than usual. How long does this dump phase usually last?

Yes, ALA is helpful then.
The dump phase is at least several months and can be much longer.  You'll know when it's finally over.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, volume 63, pages 553-550, 1999

Can someone explain the science behind the dump phase Andy speaks about in his book. 

+++Andy Cutler gives his evidence (scientific papers, his own observation, enough of the cases backed up by urinalysis and blood tests) about the 6 month dump (2010):

++++Andy Cutler on basis for the graph on p. 52 in AI (dump phase 6 months out) (testimonials; Molin study)(2004):

Do people find the graph in the book accurate?

+++Yes. It is spot on though the length of the dump varies with the person (as the graph indicates). 

+++Old Andy Cutler post that not everyone's body dumps at the same timeviz page 52 chart in AI:

I am currently 8 months post amalgam removal and feel awful. My energy levels have plummeted. I am having irritability, anger, and OCD issues. My concentration and memory are also worse than before.

+++Re: Cutler, this is to be expected during the dump/stall phase. Youmay need to try some extra supplements to support yourself during this time. I upped my Vit C intake during the dump (2000mg every couple hours during day) (and I was not chelating at the time, had only just found the grouparound that time....). Personally, I found sauna (every night of my 3 month dump) to be extremely helpful (but I had lots of acute exposure lead, which comes out really well with sauna). You can consult the links (member posts on sauna as well as Andy's 2008 posts) for tips on how to do it carefully. If you cannot sweat (can be common in Hg-toxicity as is oversweating),have a look first on page 49 of Amalgam Illness for some tips. 

I have managed to do 15 rounds of chelation. 10 rounds with 12.5mgs DMSA, and 5 rounds with both 12.5mgs DMSA and 12.5mgs ALA. The last 4 weeks I have been unable to chelate due to side effects.

Any feedback is appreciated.

++A few more posts from Cutler about the dump: 

+++The "dump" phase is called "stall" period on the Cutler wiki (and Cutler calls it the "rollercoaster" once on you can't get off it):

++++Andy Cutler post saying why for kiddos w/out amalgam it may be bestto chelate with ALA before dump phase, and that for a small child development is happening so risk a lot by waiting a year to use ALA (waiting for organs to clear) since more will go up to the brain and none coming out during this year of development. Dump chews up membranes and BBB, chelating willhelp with this, not doing it will be more unpleasant. Situation may be different for adults whose dump comes 6-9 mos. after last amalgam is removed...(2001):

+++Andy Cutler on autistic children do go through a dump phase also (and anyone with Hg in them to toxic levels, so that includes an adult who never had amalgam):

+++Old Andy Cutler post that ASD kids have dump, for them time zero is first starting chelation:

++++Andy Cutler further explains p. 52 graph (mention that autistic child will also get a dump) (2008):

+++Andy Cutler on the "stall" period (dump phase) and on MB12 (100% will get anger symptoms if they supplement long enough) (2008):

+++atb Laura

Joe P.
Does anyone know Andy's basis for Figure 15 on page 52? 

The uniform experience of all mercury toxic people I talked to plus the 
uniform reports of all the doctors who detox them plus a few leading 
bits of data in the mainstream medical literature (e. g. one of the 
data points in the Molin study). 

bought new multi

the last multi gave me headaches. Dr. C, mercury expert, suggests one without copper and manganese. This one is copper free

Each vegetarian capsule contains:
Medicinal ingredients:
Vitamin A...1,200 mcg RAE
(vitamin A palmitate) equivalent to 4,000 IU vitamin A activity
Thiamine...20 mg
(thiamine hydrochloride)
Riboflavin...10 mg
(riboflavin-5-phosphate (sodium salt))
Niacinamide...10 mg
Pantothenic acid...100 mg
Vitamin B6...31 mg
(pyridoxine hydrochloride/pyridoxal-5-phosphate)
Vitamin B12...160 mcg
Folate (folic acid)...200 mcg
Biotin...80 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)...50 mg
Vitamin E ...54 mg AT
(d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) equivalent to 80 IU vitamin E activity
Magnesium...50 mg
(magnesium oxide)
Potassium...20 mg
(potassium citrate)
Zinc (zinc citrate) ...6 mg
Iron (iron citrate)...4 mg
Manganese...3 mg
(manganese (II) citrate)
Chromium...80 mcg
(chromium (III) citrate)
Selenium (sodium selenite)...40 mcg
Non-medicinal ingredients:microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate (vegetable).
Capsule shell:hypromellose.

Contains no dairy or peanuts.
Adult dosage:Take 2 capsules daily with food or as recommended by a health care practitioner.

Nov 23 huge headache all day, dry lip

Last night headache from talking (curcumin?)
7-8am rise
Return bed
Right lip pain 
Head 2/10

Vit c b Se
Brain fog 5/10
Walk indoors 
Rubbed stomach and there was pain
11pm Tea

Lunch avocado 

Headache 7/10

Snack green drink and yam
No grapes cinnamon (high phenol exclusion trial?)
Took Se vitamin 

Walk 15 min indoors
4.55 pm stomach pain 

Is the cause selenium pill?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22, itchy, nausea, fog, curcumin

Itchy forehead at night
8am rise brain fog 
Stool normal 
Breathe 3/10
Removed probiotic yesterday

Vit c, Se 

Notes: scaly forehead skin past week. 
Wheat allergy Cause of symptoms from sandwich last week? Can symptoms persist that long? I removed new coconut water just in case.

10.38 curcumin 

Lunch turkey 
Sweet po 

2-3pm gigong walk 

Donne artichoke
Ginger tea 

Heafache after talking at night 4/10

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nov 21 nausea, breathe, pain stomach, gigong, no probiotics

Rise urinate night
Itchy dry skin body sauna
Gigong before bed
8am rise 
Stool normal
Breathe 1/10 clogged

Gigong stretch
Feel nauseous dizzy 3/10 (could it be the gigong stretch?)
Unwell feeling
Couldn't finish eating.

11.20am stool, thin soft

Noticed Acne (sauna?)

1om lunch almonds 
Vit c

Pain right side stomach 3/10
Clogged feeling left side 

Dinner beets 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov 20 itchy, turkey, gigong, sauna

Slept late 11pm
Itchy forehead at night 
Rise 8-9am
Tired 2/10
Stool a bit red still
No frankinscence 

Lunch turkey
Vit c Se d 
Gigong walk

Yesterday noticed eyes teary. Today a bit  uncomfortable. Is it cold weather? Sun? Allergy?

MacBook fix.

2pm throat clogged 
Sauna, twice 40min 

Avocado veggie 

Right lip still pain


Gigong before sleep stretch 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

19 nov, throat breathing, eyes

8am rise
Fog 1/10
Frankinscence drink 

Throat feels dry and clogged
Breathe 1/10

Stool, soft mushy, red and mucus white? (Beets last night?)

No vit

Stool, mushy red 

Dry skin right mouth since yesterday
Breathe throat 3/10

Lunch almonds and yam 

Vit c, Se

Dinner artichoke sweet po prune 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 18 headache, 2egcg, goji berry

VURise 8am
No night urination
Head 2/10
Stool normal 

C, Se, b, egcg

11.50 stool normal 

Head 4/10

Lunch almonds veggie no turkey
Egcg po

4-5 meditation
Stomach pain 4/10 (egcg?)
Head 2/10

Dinner beets almonds butter
Goji berry

Head 2/10 sleep

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nov 17, breathless brain fog headache

URise urinate night
Slightly itchy before bed
8-9am rise

Vit c b

Breathless 1/10

1-2pm lunch avocado 
Sweet po banana coco water
Fog 1/10 after talking 

2pm stool 


Brain fog 5/10
Feel tired

Headache 6/10

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nov 16 itchy, treat sandwich

Itchy forehead at night (turkey ?)
Rise urinate 6am
8am rise
Egcg vit c, b, d, Se , e

Joint pain 1/10
Lunch sand which croissant 

Snack squash


Friday, November 15, 2013

15 nov turkey, rise urinate, potassium

6am rise urinate
9am rise 
Fog 1/10
Stool normal 

Breakfast vit c, b, potassium 

Turkey lunch 
No sweet po, but apple/pear

No green drink but squash

Tired/fog 1/10

5pm dinner, yam

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Health concerns from dietitian perspective to ask my doctor

Current health concerns

-I've been eliminating foods to manage my symptoms. But it's very difficult to identify triggers. And am I having enough nutrition? I can't keep avoiding all foods.

-Do I need a referral to an allergist? I'm concerned about not having enough nutrition from my exclusions.
I'm concerned it's useless because they may be intolerances and not allergy.

Nov 14, no night urination, no back pain, but bloated and muscle cramp

8am rise feeling good
Vit c, egcg
12.10 stool, normal 

Lunch, almonds veggie

Feeling bloated after drinking water. Noticed since last night..

Stomach looks HUGE.

3pm sauna 

Felt bloated so skipped snack and only ate veggie almonds

7pm left foot cramp 
8.25 more muscle cramp. Took 99mg potassium based on

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nov 13, no pumpkin seeds and turkey, less back pain, bloated

6am rise urinate
9am rise 
Back pain a bit less
Nose clogged
Tired and cranky 
Brain fog

Stool, normal

I used the search tool on this blog to find when was the last time I had similar symptoms. I searched for "pumpkin seeds" and noticed pumpkin seeds caused similar symptoms last time I tried it so ill remove turkey and seeds today.

Breakfast, 1 prune only today 
Vit c

Stool 2nd, softer 

11am brain fog 
Breathless and fast heart

12.30 stool mush, smells like alcohol (too many prunes?)

Lunch almonds and veggie no turkey 

Felt bloated at night (drank water at 8pm?)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Diet november

I eat the breakfast split in 3 meals per day but added it all in the morning for convenience
I rotate the dinner foods on a 3 day meal plan (artichoke, beets, avocado) but divided their quantity here by 3 for convenience

Should say Nov not Oct

Just realized I was titling my posts Oct instead of Nov. My brain is clearly not working

Nov 12, back pain, nausea, breathless

Rise to urinate night 
Itchy forehead (from sauna?)
8am back pain
Right lip dry (is it the non medicated turkey or sandwich I had 4 days ago?)
Been having pumpkin seeds daily a few days ago too..hmm

Stool, long, a bit red (beets?)

Breakfast prune almond butter cranberry

Vit c, b, d, mag, k

Breathe 1/10
Stool soft 2nd

1pm feel nauseous tired during lunch. Is it turkey? Pills? Pumpkin seeds? 
Skipped turkey, only ate 1/3

Dinner artichoke 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Oct 11, joint pain, right lip dry

Joint pain, right wrist right foot and back pain. I suspect potatoes cause. May need vit k. 

Last night noise. Woke up twice to urinate. 

9am rise
Vit k egcg


Avocado dinner 
Sleepy early 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Oct 10, chips, vit D, back wrist pain

Slept late rise urinate
Back and wrist pain 
9-10am breakfast
Vit c D
No stool

Brain fog 2/10
Chips bowl

Stool in afternoon 
Same routine meals
Slept late 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Oct 9, non medicated turkey, sandwich

Noise at night slept late

111.2 lbs

8-9 rise
Stool, twice
Vit c and b

Lunch turkey sandwich 
Non medicated turkey
Mini croissant and apple pastry
Banana no sweet po

Slept late 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Oct 8th, huge stool, no turkey, headache

8.30 rise to defecate, huge stool
Massage last night? Prunes?

No turkey, had almonds again

Talked 1 hour with mom
Head 3/10

Dinner avocado
2 prunes yam pecan 
Head 4/10

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oct 7, no meat, almonds and pumpkin seeds

Rise early itchy forehead and urinate
Woke up late 9am

Pumpkin seeds in drink, probiotics daily 1/4 ts
Vit c

No turkey. Almond butter instead
Kiwi banana prunes sweet po 2x

4.30 chips handful 

Beets veggie
Yam with 4 prunes banana 

massage stomach 15mins

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oct 6, chicken, no vitamin, rise early itchy

Rise early to urinate
8-9 breakfast
10 sweet po
No vitamins

12-1 chicken
Sweet po


yam prune mint kiwi pecan butter cinnamon grapes

Felt full indigestion


Itchy forehead at night woke up

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Oct 5th, Brain fog

Rise 6am to urinate
Head 1/10 feeling tired since last night

Will test reintroducing some supplements today

9-10 breakfast
Vit c, b, d
Stool medium
Probiotic 1/4 ts

Fog 3/10

1pm-2pm turkey
Blueberry bun

3-4 laptop

4-5 rest, meditation

Avocado and veggie
Green drink

9pm chest pain

Monday, November 4, 2013

Oct 4th, urinate, no pills, fog, pommegranate, sauna

Woke up at night to urinate - are fruits/carbs causing this?

7am rise
8-9 breakfast
No pills, just C
Sweet po, walnuts

10-11 laptop, walk
12 Head fog 2/10
Tired 3/10

12.20 stool, medium
12.22 eat
Sweet po, pommegranate pear prune

2 nap
3 sauna


Fog 2/10
8pm laptop
9pm sleep

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Still no headaches despite fruits and nuts

5am rise, clock change
Fog 1/10
8am breakfast
Sweet potatoes primes apple pecan
Vit C, no pills

10am potatoes chips

12-1 turkey lunch
Sweet potato, butter kiwi banana roasted pecan

2pm Nap
3pm walk
4pm soup

Fog 1/10
Stool, medium

5-6 dinner
Yam Banaba pecan


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Woke up urinate night

Since I had no big headache yesterday, I suspect the supplements are the cause. Probably the multi/magnesium. I'll resume eating fruits and nuts again.

8-9am rise
Head 2/10
Most likely due to different ritual last night/stress

9.30 breakfast
No pills, just C

10 am stool, pebbles, and medium
Sweet potato

Mint tea

Brain fog 3/10
Small turkey
Sandwich/wheat bread/apple
3 grapes

Head 0/10

Avocado veggie grape

Green drink
Yam banana pecan butter prune coconut water mint

Friday, November 1, 2013

Testing no pills, no headache today

Nov 1st

8 rise
2 cups water
Fog 2/10

Breakfast, no nuts/fruits
9.25 stool, pebbles, easy
No pills except C

11am Laptop

Fog 1/10 - feeling Better than yesterday

1pm lunch chicken, sweet potato, coco oil
No pills




Night ritual different, stress