Monday, March 31, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29 still headache

117lbs morning and 115.8lbs after pee and stool 

Still headache 

Soft stool after kimchi pickle yogurt  last night 
Had big vegan pizza daiya brand 
Caregiver Elsa yesterday 
Saw rainbow 

Drank coconut water for phosphorus potassium 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March. 25 libido high qigong?

Beets made me bloated and headache ?

Felt grounded and more balanced in shower and more libido in morning. Woke up early
Yesterday hours outside doing qigong and yoga chakra rooted exercise. Had pizza from resto and more jam, dry skin and acne, thirsty too much sugar and salt ?
Saw h mercury friend Sunday and her friend realized need probiotics to heal fit and allergies 

Did marketing 

Still some headaches from reading too much but better today 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23 huge headache since yesterday

Reading too much at night
High sulfur foods 
Slept late 2 nights ago 
Low pot phosphorus ?
Canola oil Chinese foods and balls yesterday and past few days ?

Yoga stretch morning
Shoulder hands sore

Vit c e 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22 yoga stretch last night

Awaken big stool soft (yoga ?)
Headache slept late last night and forgotten dream. 

Ate more veggies dr Wilson - 1 cup cabbage spinach carrots celery 

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21 small stool ball

Chinese food yesterday 
Late stool last night only half 
Had eggs sulfur foods quinoa bread 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19 headache morning

Slept late burlin no meet at 8pm 
email late

Had weird dream 
Headache morning 

Stool bit longer still food bits
Foamy urine 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18 stool balls half

Yesterday Indian food 
A bit bloated last night 

Stool half blobs 
Bit set skin 

Stool again indigestion bits food but one long piece

10.36am feeling tired weak short breath 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Mar 14 discharge ER no stools

Fasted all morning until 1pm
Talked to GI and doctor 
Don't know why low potassium and minerals - contradictions whether gist related or not

Ate home food sardine sticky rice beets lettuce olive oil

Felt bloated 

Ate cafeteria food chicken fries done pasta ketchup mustard.

We suspect home food isn't working - 

No stool since 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mar 11 no ghee or cod

Stool morning yellow soft almost bacterial fermentation smell 

Foamy urine morning 
Didn't drink much past night cuz bloated 

Headache morning bit 

Ginger and water 

8.57am email 
Short breath (low iron?)
Some stomach pain 

928am usual 
Olive oil 1ts half cup rice
1 cup beets squash instead of 2 

Feel bloated 
Vit c e

9.50 stomach pain couldn't finish meal 

12pm lunch 
Leftover squash beets rice 
Iron pill 1/4 
Olive oil ??

Still headache woozy 
Stomach pain left side 

Dz also feel woozy period 

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10 less headache, very bloated, late stool

Crystal red color last night 
Slept myself
Woke up less headache

Ate ghee today 

10.35am Nosebleed smell blood
Forgot pills took c and e

No stool

No ghee for lunch 
Took cod 

Felt bloated 
Went outside gigong sunny

3pm nap bloated ginger 

Met Sam 

Super bloated after dinner
Olive oil rice 
Bit ginger 

8pm small stool 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mar 9 headache morning

Less foamy urine 
Headache when awake - dz slept with me - iron cause? Cumin??
Last night discover chakra root causes 
Had cumin and sardines yesterday 

Daylight saving 

No tea morning 

No egcg today 

Cod liver
Olive oil

10.30 stool 

Stay outdoors deck nap

5pm Had ghee and extra rice cumin dinner
Felt hungry 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mar 8 no itchy but bloated breathing

8am stool yellow 
Woke up short breath bit bloated 
Morning still foamy urine

Is it chamomile tea?? Soup? Ghee? 

No soup or ghee today

10.13am eat no ghee
Egcg vit c e
Olive oil 
Felt dizzy tired breathless 
Couldn't finish meal 
Checked blood test its low hemaglobin 

Results : I learned I'm doing many things that reduce iron absorbtion - chamomile tea, possibly mint tea, EGCG supplement, stopped cumin/spices. 

Took iron supp
Sardines lunch 

Discover chakra 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mar 7 itchy sleepless

Didn't sleep well itchy 
Chest pain left 

Had juice and nuts ? Allergy

This morning 
Vit c egcg 
Less turkey 
Sticky white rice

Stool yellow 

11am stomach pain breathing difficult

Had ghee sticky rice 

Caregiver after lunch 

Very bloated after dinner - is it ghee??

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mar 4 stress email mom eye surgery

Dz stress that mom is staying hostel. She feels she won't get help. I asked my parents for help. Now she said she had eye surgery today.?Did I not learn my lesson? No email. I can't handle all this stress.

No stool yesterday? Nor this morning.

Cod liver oil 

Rest sleep 

Stool at 2pm

Eat lots sticky rice ghee 

3-4pm quinoa bread
Ghee olive oil
Coconut water 

5pm mustard 

8pm bloated short breath 

Pause the ghee tmrw 

Mar 3 stress last night

Lots of stress at dinner from dz she was worried about mon and angry at parents abandon, I got stressed suic short breath chest pains hyperventilating took hours to rest and slept unwell

Has brown rice with lots ghee yesterday 

No itchy night 
Woke 7-8am ok

Urine less foamy 
Took shower past 2 days

9am eat usual 
No cod lately
Left over last night meal long rice mustard 
Celery no lettuce 
Ghee brown rice 2 cups 

Vit c e 

Nose bleed morning - from stress ? Low iron? Brown rice causing ? Mustard???
Too much ghee?

12.40 pm woozy head fog 

No stool today but big one yesterday 

1-2pm usual 
No cod 
Extra sticky rice ghee 

Mar 5 itchy, had quinoa yesterday

I felt itchy - quinoa bread or coconut water or too much mustard ? 

No bleeding 

Butter quinoa this morning bite

We learn about juice fast low protein for kidney and liver. Less turkey today 

Usual less turkey 
Long grain rice
Lettuce and carrots
Vit c e egcg 

Eyes sensitive 


Still foamy urine

1pm usual but less turkey 

Half Apple 3pm

Talked p n d for hour ginger tea 

Usual dinner less turkey 

7pm stool 

Masage stomach kidney
Breathing difficulty and bloating at night
Eat ginger

Mar 6 bloated last night

Bloated morning breathing

Long grain rice??

Stool long a bit red

Blood draw 
Headache dizzy 

Sticky rice ghee less turkey 
No vit e
Bit of juice and nuts 

Udusal less turkey 
Sticky rice 
No cod 
Extra sticky ghee 

Bloated, drink lots ginger not enough water? 

5pm stool yellow Some pain

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mar 2 itchy ejac

Last night ejac sleep late 
Itchy night 
Had black pepper yesterday ?

9am wake 

Usual meal
Long grain rice
Vit c e 

Ejac again 

2pm Usual but fried 
Lots of ghee 

Plan write 
Tiny bit stomach discomfort and slight dizzy 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st, fish! Vacation house vit E

Headache last night huge from thinking

Slept late 10pm?

No itchy 
Woke 6-7am 

No stool 

Urine still foamy but less overall

More rice and ghee today 
Brown rice 
Split food

Vit c egcg 
New - vit E

Jacuzzi hot tub 15min

Late lunch usual 

Giving walk 15 mins

Mackarel fish dinner