Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lots of fruits, heart and hand pain

No stool this morning so far. Woke up with back pain. Didn't take extra magnesium last night, could that be why?

Yesterday's diary: oct 7th

7am rise
Curcumin and magnesium pill
Salt water and frankincense

Stool, hard, with light brown mucus spots

Plum juice, 1 cup, from fruit

9am breakfast
Added Coco milk and cumin
Pills, added calcium

Brain fog 1/10

11 walk

1pm lunch turkey
Sweet potato with plum leftovers
Pills, added potassium

2-3pm Hand pain, sharp tingle 2/10

4pm snack
Coco milk

6pm dinner, turkey, cumin
Heart pain 1/10

7pm stool, 2 round hard, slight pain

8pm relax/laugh

9-10 sleep, hands tingle

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