Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 3 skin softer, stool today

Noticed skin softer and no acne 

Went to sleep last night early with headache 
Woke up at night and morning headache 

8am 2 cups water with lemon 

Short meditation 

9.30am  eat turkey stew with squash and egg yolk. May have white rice congee 

10am Stool hard to pass. 

Met friend he noticed my skin better. 
Lunch 1pm same as breakfast with extra bowl rice. 
1 tbs yogurt. 


Still headache. Drink lots. A bit bloated. 

Short walk 

6pm squash petty. Turkey and rice. 1 ts sour kraut juice.  Cauliflower bowl. 
Abdominal discomfort when eating. 

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